PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
доступно с версии: 0.5
inspired by Paul Bourke, implementation by André Sier — lyapunov random attractors — Paul Bourke's words http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/%7Epbourke/fractals/lyapunov/ — On average 98% of the random selections of (an, bn) result in an infinite series. This is so common because of the range (-2<=a, b<=2) for each of the parameters a and b, the number of infinite cases will reduce greatly with a smaller range. About 1% were point attractors, and about 0.5% were periodic basins of attraction. === x[n+1] = a[0] + a[1]x[n] + a[2]x[n]^2 + a[3]x[n]y[n] + a[4]y[n] + a[5]y[n]^2 y[n+1] = b[0] + b[1]x[n] + b[2]x[n]^2 + b[3]x[n]y[n] + b[4]y[n] + b[5]y[n]^2 ===
a value (optional)
тип: float
b value (optional)
тип: float
x value (optional)
тип: float
y value (optional)
тип: float
A0 a[0] value
тип: float
обязательно: True
[A1] a[1] value
тип: float
[A2] a[2] value
тип: float
[A3] a[3] value
тип: float
[A4] a[4] value
тип: float
[A5] a[5] value
тип: float
B0 b[0] value
тип: float
обязательно: True
[B1] b[1] value
тип: float
[B2] b[2] value
тип: float
[B3] b[3] value
тип: float
[B4] b[4] value
тип: float
[B5] b[5] value
тип: float
reset state
Авторы: André Sier
Лицензия: %