PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
hoa.2d.decoder~: hoa 2d decoder
псевдонимы: [hoa.decoder~]
hoa.2d.encoder~: hoa 2d encoder
псевдонимы: [hoa.encoder~]
hoa.2d.exchanger~: renumbers and normalizes the channels
псевдонимы: [hoa.exchanger~]
hoa.2d.map~: a 2d ambisonic multisource spatializer
псевдонимы: [hoa.map~]
hoa.2d.optim~: a 2D ambisonic optimization tool
псевдонимы: [hoa.optim~]
hoa.2d.projector~: a plane waves decomposer from circular harmonics domain
псевдонимы: [hoa.projector~]
hoa.2d.recomposer~: recomposes a 2d plane wave decomposition into circular harmonics
псевдонимы: [hoa.recomposer~]
hoa.2d.rotate~: a 2D ambisonic sound field rotation
псевдонимы: [hoa.rotate~]
hoa.2d.space: planewaves amp control
псевдонимы: [hoa.space]
hoa.2d.wider~: a 2d fractional ambisonic order simulator
псевдонимы: [hoa.wider~]
hoa.3d.decoder~: hoa 3d decoder
hoa.3d.encoder~: hoa 3d encoder
hoa.3d.exchanger~: renumbers and normalizes the channels
hoa.3d.map~: a 3d ambisonic multisource spatializer
hoa.3d.meter~: multi spherical meter with sound field descriptor
hoa.3d.optim~: a 3D ambisonic optimization tool
hoa.3d.scope~: a 3d ambisonic harmonic scope
hoa.3d.wider~: a 3d fractional ambisonic order simulator
hoa.@process: process properties manager for hoa.process~
hoa.in: message inlet for a patcher loaded by hoa.process~
hoa.in~: signal inlet for a patcher loaded by hoa.process~
hoa.map.ui: a GUI to spatialize sources on a map
hoa.out: message outlet for a patcher loaded by hoa.process~
hoa.out~: signal inlet for a patcher loaded by hoa.process~
hoa.process~: patcher loader for multichannel processing
псевдонимы: [hoa.2d.process~], [hoa.3d.process~]
hoa.scope~: a 2d ambisonic harmonic scope
псевдонимы: [hoa.2d.scope~]
pan.cos~: two channel equal power sine/cosine panner
pan.linsig~: two channel linear panner with signal control
pan.lin~: two channel linear panner
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pan~], [pan~]
pan.spread~: spreads input channels across the stereo field
pan.sqrt~: two channel equal power square root panner
spat.pan4~: GMEM SPAT: 4-outputs spatializer
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pan4~], [pan4~]
spat.pan8~: GMEM SPAT: 8-outputs spatializer
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pan8~], [pan8~]
spat.zita6x8~: spat with 6 inputs sources to 8 channel output
spat.zita8~: 8 channel reverb spatializer
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3