PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
math.abs: absolute value function
math.abs~: absolute value function for signals
math.acos: arc cosine function
math.acosh: inverse hyperbolic cosine function
math.acosh~: hyperbolic arc cosine for signals
math.acos~: arc cosine function for signals
math.and: operation AND for multiple arguments
псевдонимы: [ceammc/and], [and]
math.approx: check if input value approximately equal to pattern
псевдонимы: [ceammc/approx], [approx]
math.asin: arc sine function
math.asinh: inverse hyperbolic sine function
math.asinh~: hyperbolic arc sine for signals
math.asin~: arc sine for signals
math.atan: arc tangent function
math.atanh: inverse hyperbolic tangent function
math.atanh~: hyperbolic arc tangent for signals
math.atan~: arc tangent for signals
math.binomial: binomial coefficient calculator
псевдонимы: [math.nck]
math.cabs~: magnitude of a complex signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/cabs~], [cabs~]
math.carg~: phase angle of a complex signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/carg~], [carg~]
math.cbrt: cube root function
math.cbrt~: cube root function for signals
math.cdiv~: division of complex signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/cdiv~], [cdiv~]
math.ceil: round to smallest integral value not less than input value
math.ceil~: round to smallest integral value not less than input value
math.cexp~: exponent of a complex signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/cexp~], [cexp~]
math.cmul~: multiplication of complex signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/cmul~], [cmul~]
math.cos: cosine function
math.cosh: hyperbolic cosine function
math.cosh~: hyperbolic cosine for signals
math.cos~: cosine function
math.div: division (on lists too)
псевдонимы: [math./]
math.e: mathematical constant, base of the natural logarithm
math.erf: error function
math.erf~: error function for signals
math.exp: exponential functions
math.exp2: exponential functions
math.exp2~: base-2 exponential for signal
math.expr: dynamic [expr]
math.exp~: base-e exponential for signal
math.floor: round to largest integral value not greater than x
math.floor~: round to largest integral value not greater than x
math.gamma: gamma function
math.gamma~: gamma function for floating point signals
math.gcd: calculate greatest common divisor
math.inf: infinity value that cannot be represented accurately
math.inf~: inifinity signal generator
math.lcm: calculate least common multiple
math.lgamma: natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function
math.lgamma~: natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function for signals
math.log: natural logarithm
math.log10: logarithm functions
math.log10~: natural logarithm
math.log2: logarithm functions
math.log2~: base-2 logarithm
math.log~: natural logarithm
math.mul: multiplication (on lists too)
псевдонимы: [math.*]
math.nan: Not a Number, unrepresentable value
math.nan~: signal NaN
math.neg: negate function
псевдонимы: [ceammc/-x], [-x]
math.or: operation OR for multiple arguments
псевдонимы: [ceammc/or], [or]
math.pi: mathematical constant
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pi], [pi]
math.pi~: mathematical constant
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pi~], [pi~]
math.polyeval: evaluates the polynomial described by the coefficients list
math.reciprocal: calculate reciprocal number
псевдонимы: [ceammc/1/x], [1/x]
math.reciprocal~: calculate reciprocal number for signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/1/x~], [1/x~]
math.round: round to integral value, regardless of rounding direction
псевдонимы: [round], [ceammc/round]
math.round~: signal round
псевдонимы: [round~], [ceammc/round~]
math.sign: sign function
math.sin: sine function
math.sinh: hyperbolic sine function
math.sinh~: hyperbolic sine for signals
math.sin~: sine function
math.sqrt: square root function
math.sqrt~: square root for signal
math.squared: value square
псевдонимы: [math.^2], [ceammc/^2], [^2]
math.squared~: signal value square
псевдонимы: [math.^2~], [ceammc/^2~], [^2~]
math.sync_add: sync addition
псевдонимы: [math.+'], [ceammc/+'], [+']
math.sync_and: sync logical AND operation
псевдонимы: [math.&&'], [ceammc/&&'], [&&']
math.sync_div: sync division
псевдонимы: [math./'], [ceammc//'], [/']
math.sync_eq: sync equal numbers check
псевдонимы: [math.=='], [ceammc/=='], [==']
math.sync_ge: sync greater equal numbers compare
псевдонимы: [math.>='], [ceammc/>='], [>=']
math.sync_gt: sync greater then numbers compare
псевдонимы: [math.>'], [ceammc/>'], [>']
math.sync_le: sync less equal numbers compare
псевдонимы: [math.<='], [ceammc/<='], [<=']
math.sync_lshift: sync signed bit left shift
псевдонимы: [math.<<'], [ceammc/<<'], [<<']
math.sync_lt: sync less then numbers compare
псевдонимы: [math.<'], [ceammc/<'], [<']
math.sync_mod: sync remainder of modulo division (float or integer)
псевдонимы: [math.%'], [ceammc/%'], [%']
math.sync_mul: sync multiplication
псевдонимы: [math.'], [ceammc/'], [*']
math.sync_ne: sync numbers for not equality
псевдонимы: [math.!='], [ceammc/!='], [!=']
math.sync_or: sync logical OR operation
псевдонимы: [math.||'], [ceammc/||'], [||']
math.sync_rshift: sync signed bit right shift
псевдонимы: [math.>>'], [ceammc/>>'], [>>']
math.sync_sub: sync subtraction
псевдонимы: [math.-'], [ceammc/-'], [-']
math.sync_xor: sync logical XOR operation
псевдонимы: [math.^'], [ceammc/^'], [^']
math.tan: tangent function
math.tanh: hyperbolic tangent function
math.tanh~: hyperbolic tangent for signals
math.tan~: tangent function
math.trunc: truncate to integer value
math.trunc~: truncate to integer value
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3