PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
list.^at: on input index(es) outputs list element(s)
list.^contains: checks if input atom is found in the list
list.^search: on input atom returns it index in list
list.all_of: checks if all list atoms accepted by predicate
list.any_of: checks if at least one list element is accepted by predicate
list.append: append atom or list to the end of input list
list.apply_to: modifies list value at specified position, filtering it via external object
list.at: outputs list element(s) at specified index(es)
list.choice: outputs random element from list
list.contains: checks if input list contains specified atoms
list.convolve: convolution for lists
псевдонимы: [list.conv]
list.correlate: list cross-correlation
list.count: output the number of items that equal to specified value
list.count_if: output the number of items that satisfy to external predicate
list.delta: returns the difference between the current list of floats and the previous one.
list.distribution: list value distribution
list.do: iterate and modify list contents via side-chain
list.each: maps each list value via external side-chain
list.enumerate: enumerates input list
list.equal: checks if given lists are equal
list.first: returns first list element
list.gen: generates list of specified length via external generator
list.histogram: outputs distribution histogram
list.insert: insert atom or list to the specified position of input list
list.integrator: returns the sum of the previously stored list and the current one then stores this sum
list.last: output last list element
list.length: output the number of atoms in the list
псевдонимы: [list.size]
list.map: map list values by specified dictionary
list.max: output largest element in the list
list.mean: calculates average of list of floats
псевдонимы: [list.average]
list.min: returns smallest element in the list
list.none_of: checks if none of list atoms is accepted by predicate
list.normalize: normalizes float list values to get their sum = 1.0
list.pass: leave in list only specified elements
list.pass_if: leave only elements accepted by predicate
псевдонимы: [list.filter]
list.prepend: prepend atom or list before input list
list.product: calculates product of floats in list
list.range: output list smallest and largest value
псевдонимы: [list.minmax]
list.reduce: apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the list
псевдонимы: [list.foldl]
list.reject: remove specified element from list
list.remove: remove list element(s) at specified positions
list.remove_if: remove elements by predicate
list.repack: repack list to specified size
list.repeat: output new list by repeating input list specified times
list.resample: resample list with specified ratio
псевдонимы: [list.r]
list.resize: changes list size
list.reverse: reverses the order of the elements in the list
list.rldecode: Run-length list decoder (RLE)
псевдонимы: [list.unwrap]
list.rlencode: RLE (run-length encoding) for lists
псевдонимы: [list.wrap]
list.rotate: rotates list
псевдонимы: [list.<<], [list.>>]
list.route: acts like [route] but for lists
list.rundiff: running difference
list.runsum: running sum
list.search: search specified items in input list
list.separate: sends list elements one by one separately
псевдонимы: [list.sep]
list.seq: numeric sequence list generator
list.set: set list value at specified position
list.shift: shifts the contents of the list with linear interpolation
list.shuffle: randomly rearranges elements in list
list.slice: extract sublist
list.sort: sorts list values by ascending order
list.sort_with: sort list with user defined side-chain
list.split: splits list into two parts, the length of first list is specified by the argument
list.stretch: stretches list - changes its size with linear interpolation
list.sum: calculates sum of floats in list
list.unique: removes duplicates from input list
list.unpack: unpack list elements to separate outlets
list.unzip: splits list to N lists, each to separate output
псевдонимы: [list.deinterleave]
list.walk: Walks thru the list
list.zip: takes n lists from n inlets (specified by argument) and output their elements sequentially (list1-1 list2-1 list1-2 list2-2 etc.).
псевдонимы: [list.interleave]
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3