PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
expand_env: Substitute environment variables in data stream
псевдонимы: [ceammc/expand_env]
flow.append: append message to flow stream
flow.change: rejects redundant input values
flow.count: control flow event counter
flow.delay: enhanced version on vanilla delay object
псевдонимы: [flow.del]
flow.demultiplex: control flow demultiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.demux]
flow.demultiplex2~: audio stream stereo demultiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.demux2~], [ceammc/demux2~], [demux2~]
flow.demultiplex~: audio stream demultiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.demux~], [ceammc/demux~], [demux~]
flow.dollar: data flow dollar converter
псевдонимы: [flow.$$]
flow.dup: message duplicator
flow.float: pass floats
псевдонимы: [flow.f]
flow.gate: control flow gate. [spigot] analog
псевдонимы: [ceammc/gate], [gate]
flow.greater: numeric stream router
псевдонимы: [flow.>]
flow.greater_eq: numeric stream router
псевдонимы: [flow.>=]
flow.group: group input atoms in list of specified size
псевдонимы: [ceammc/group], [group]
flow.interval: measure time between flow events
flow.less: numeric stream router, like many [moses]
псевдонимы: [flow.<]
flow.less_eq: numeric stream router, like many [moses]
псевдонимы: [flow.<=]
flow.list2many: routes list element with message selectors
псевдонимы: [ceammc/list->many], [list->many]
flow.match: route data flow by regexp match
flow.mem: store data flow in memory
flow.multiplex: control flow multiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.mux]
flow.multiplex2~: audio stream stereo multiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.mux2~], [ceammc/mux2~], [mux2~]
flow.multiplex~: audio stream multiplexer
псевдонимы: [flow.mux~], [ceammc/mux~], [mux~]
flow.once: one message pass thru
псевдонимы: [ceammc/once], [once]
flow.pack: flow pack
flow.pass: pass specified values
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pass], [pass]
flow.pass_if: pass values that accepted by predicate object
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pass_if], [pass_if]
flow.pipe: enhanced version on vanilla pipe object
flow.prepend: prepend message before received one
flow.queue: multi-channel control flow sync queue (or FIFO)
flow.record: flow stream recorder/player
псевдонимы: [flow.rec]
flow.reject: reject specified values
псевдонимы: [ceammc/reject], [reject], [flow.!]
flow.reject_if: reject values by predicate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/reject_if], [reject_if]
flow.ring: dataflow ring buffer
псевдонимы: [flow.>>]
flow.route: advanced message router
flow.select: vanilla flow on steroids
псевдонимы: [flow.sel]
flow.seqdelay: sequential delay/router for input flow
псевдонимы: [flow.seqdel]
flow.space: space in time messages received at the same logical time
flow.speedlim: control stream speed limiter
псевдонимы: [ceammc/speedlim], [speedlim]
flow.split: split data flow by external side-chain predicate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/split], [split]
flow.stack: any message stack
flow.sync: bus with only hot inlets
псевдонимы: [flow.']
flow.sync_pack: flow pack with all hot inlets
псевдонимы: [flow.pack']
flow.tee~: separate audio and control streams
псевдонимы: [ceammc/tee~], [tee~], [ceammc/~->], [~->]
replace: Replace atoms in data stream
псевдонимы: [ceammc/replace]
route.any: separate any messages from bangs, floats, symbols and lists
route.bang: separate bang messages from other types
псевдонимы: [route.b]
route.cycle: cyclic message router
route.float: separate float messages from other types
псевдонимы: [route.f]
route.list: separate list messages from other types
псевдонимы: [route.l]
route.prop: separate property messages from other types
route.random: routes input flow to random outlet
псевдонимы: [route.r]
route.symbol: separate symbol messages from other types
псевдонимы: [route.s]
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3