PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
env.adsr~: ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope generator
env.ar~: Attack/Release envelope generator
env.asr2~: stereo Attack/Sustain/Release envelope generator
env.asr~: Attack/Sustain/Release envelope generator
env.concat: Envelope concatenation
env.follow~: Envelope follower with independent attack and release times
env.mix: Mix between two envelopes. Envelopes should contain equal number of segments
env.smooth~: An envelope with an exponential attack and release
env.tscale: Envelope time-scale
env.tshift: Envelope time-shift (horizontal)
env.vscale: Envelope value-scale
env2array: Renders envelope to specified array
псевдонимы: [ceammc/env2array], [ceammc/env->array], [env->array]
env2vline: Converts envelope to bunch of vline messages
псевдонимы: [ceammc/env2vline], [ceammc/env->vline], [env->vline]
envelope: Envelope data type
псевдонимы: [ceammc/envelope], [ceammc/env], [env]
vline2env: Converts vline messages to env
псевдонимы: [ceammc/vline2env], [ceammc/vline->env], [vline->env]
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3