PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
array.p2s: convert array phase [0..1] to sample position
псевдонимы: [array.p->s], [array.phase->sample]
array.s2p: convert sample position to phase range [0..1]
псевдонимы: [array.s->p], [array.sample->phase]
conv.amp2dbfs: convert from amplitude to decibel full scale
псевдонимы: [ceammc/amp->dbfs], [amp->dbfs]
conv.amp2dbfs~: convert from amplitude to decibel full scale
псевдонимы: [ceammc/amp->dbfs~], [amp->dbfs~]
conv.bar2ms: calculate bar and beat duration
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bar->ms], [bar->ms]
conv.bits2bang: convert list of bits to bang events
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bits->bang], [bits->bang]
conv.bits2int: convert list of bits to integer
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bits->int], [bits->int]
conv.bits2note: convert list of bits to note events
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bits->note], [bits->note]
conv.bits2pos: convert list of bits to list of bit position
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bits->pos], [bits->pos]
conv.bpm2hz: converts BPM to frequency in hertz
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bpm->hz], [bpm->hz]
conv.bpm2ms: convert frequency in BPM to period in milliseconds
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bpm->ms], [bpm->ms]
conv.bpm2sec: convert frequency in BPM to period in seconds
псевдонимы: [ceammc/bpm->sec], [bpm->sec]
conv.car2pol: convert cartesian coords to polar
псевдонимы: [ceammc/car->pol], [car->pol]
conv.cc2amp: convert from MIDI Control Change range
псевдонимы: [ceammc/cc->amp], [cc->amp]
conv.char2morse: convert character to morse code
псевдонимы: [ceammc/char->morse], [char->morse]
conv.color2rgba: convert named or hex color to separate RGBA values
псевдонимы: [ceammc/color->rgba], [color->rgba]
conv.dbfs2amp: convert decibel full scale to amplitude
псевдонимы: [ceammc/dbfs->amp], [dbfs->amp]
conv.dbfs2amp~: convert decibel full scale to amplitude
псевдонимы: [ceammc/dbfs->amp~], [dbfs->amp~]
conv.degree2key: convert scale degree to key
псевдонимы: [ceammc/degree->key], [degree->key]
conv.edge2bang: edge detector for numeric stream
псевдонимы: [ceammc/edge->bang], [edge->bang]
conv.hex2int: hex symbol to int value
псевдонимы: [ceammc/hex->int], [hex->int]
conv.hsl2rgb: convert HSL color values to RGB
псевдонимы: [ceammc/hsl->rgb], [hsl->rgb]
conv.int2bits: convert integer to list of bits
псевдонимы: [ceammc/int->bits], [int->bits]
conv.lab2rgb: convert LAB color values to RGB
псевдонимы: [ceammc/lab->rgb], [lab->rgb]
conv.lin2curve: map linear to exponential range with 0 allowed.
псевдонимы: [ceammc/lin->curve], [lin->curve]
conv.lin2exp: maps linear range to exponential range
псевдонимы: [ceammc/lin->exp], [lin->exp]
conv.lin2lin: convert from one linear range to another
псевдонимы: [ceammc/lin->lin], [lin->lin], [ceammc/l->l], [l->l]
conv.lin2lin~: convert from one linear range to another for signals
псевдонимы: [ceammc/lin->lin~], [lin->lin~], [ceammc/l->l~], [l->l~]
conv.list2props: converts list to series of property messages
псевдонимы: [ceammc/list->props], [list->props], [ceammc/any->props], [any->props]
conv.midi2freq: convert from midi pitch to frequency in hz (with various base A and temperament)
псевдонимы: [ceammc/midi->freq], [midi->freq], [ceammc/m->f], [m->f]
conv.ms2bpm: convert period in milliseconds to frequency in BPM
псевдонимы: [ceammc/ms->bpm], [ms->bpm]
conv.ms2samp: convert time in milliseconds to number of samples according to current samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/ms->samp], [ms->samp]
conv.ms2samp~: convert time in milliseconds to number of samples according to current samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/ms->samp~], [ms->samp~]
conv.ms2str: converts float time in milliseconds to formated symbol (or string)
псевдонимы: [ceammc/ms->str], [ms->str]
conv.note2guido: convert MIDI note to Guido notation
псевдонимы: [ceammc/note->guido], [note->guido]
conv.phase2rad: convert phase value [0-1] to radians [0-2π]
псевдонимы: [ceammc/phase->rad], [phase->rad]
conv.phase2rad~: convert phase value [0-1] to radians [0-2π]
псевдонимы: [ceammc/phase->rad~], [phase->rad~]
conv.pitch2midi: converts symbol pitch name to MIDI note number
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pitch->midi], [pitch->midi]
conv.pol2car: convert from polar coordinates to cartesian
псевдонимы: [ceammc/pol->car], [pol->car]
conv.rad2phase: convert radians value to phase
псевдонимы: [ceammc/rad->phase], [rad->phase]
conv.rad2phase~: convert radians value to phase
псевдонимы: [ceammc/rad->phase~], [rad->phase~]
conv.rgb2hex: convert separate RGB values to hex color
псевдонимы: [ceammc/rgb->hex], [rgb->hex]
conv.samp2ms: convert samples to time according to samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/samp->ms], [samp->ms]
conv.samp2ms~: convert samples to milliseconds according to samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/samp->ms~], [samp->ms~]
conv.samp2sec: convert samples to time according to samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/samp->sec], [samp->sec]
conv.sec2bpm: convert period in seconds to frequency in BPM
псевдонимы: [ceammc/sec->bpm], [sec->bpm]
conv.sec2samp: convert time in seconds to number of samples according to current samplerate
псевдонимы: [ceammc/sec->samp], [sec->samp]
conv.sec2str: converts float time in seconds to formated symbol (or string)
псевдонимы: [ceammc/sec->str], [sec->str]
conv.semi2ratio: convert interval in semitones to frequency ratio in 12-ET
псевдонимы: [ceammc/semi->ratio], [semi->ratio]
conv.sig2float~: convert signal to floats
псевдонимы: [ceammc/sig->float~], [sig->float~], [ceammc/s->f~], [s->f~]
conv.str2sec: converts formatted time to float value in seconds
псевдонимы: [ceammc/str->sec], [str->sec]
music.dur2time: convert duration list to time
псевдонимы: [music.d->t]
music.voice2midi: convert voice music list of midi pitches
псевдонимы: [music.v->m]
Версия: 0.9.7
Лицензия: GPL3