PureData CEAMMC library web documentation
доступно с версии: 0.9.2
Grain properties: @at - grain position in source array (in samples) @l - grain length (in samples) @amp - grain amplitude in 0..256 range @s - grain speed in -10..10 range @p - grain pan in 0..1 range @w - grain window: rect, tri or hann @tb - time before grain start (in samples) @ta - time after grain done (in samples) @r - grain number of repeats (-1: infinite) @tag - grain tag
N number of grains
тип: int
обязательно: True
PROPS grain properties
тип: list
обязательно: True
[N] number of finished grains to wait before calling. If not specified, treat as 1.
тип: int
METHOD method name
тип: symbol
обязательно: True
[ARGS] method arguments
тип: list
N number of grains
тип: int
обязательно: True
PROPS grain properties
тип: list
обязательно: True
[METHOD=default] onset detection method
тип: symbol
[SPACE=64] minimal space between onsets
тип: float
единица: ms
[SILENCE=-40] silence level
тип: float
единица: db
SUBJ if '*': pause all grains, if float: pause grain with corresponding #id, if symbol: pause grains with matched tag
тип: atom
обязательно: True
[STATE] on/off value
тип: int
[N] number of permutations. If N>0 results N-th next permutation, N<0 - N-th previous permutation
тип: int
[TAG] if '*' or omitted: reverse positions of all grains, if '.': reverse positions of finished grains only, otherwise reverse grains with corresponding tag
тип: symbol
SUBJ if '*': set for all grains, if float: set for grain with specified #id, if symbol: set for grains with specified tag
тип: atom
обязательно: True
PROPS grain properties
тип: list
обязательно: True
N desired number of grains
тип: int
обязательно: True
[DUR] duration to slice. Positive time value expected, for example: 100ms, 1.02s, 400samp etc. Float value treat as millisecond. If not specified - use the whole source array duration
тип: atom
[GRAIN] properties of sliced grains
тип: list
[DUR] time space. Positive time values are expected, for example: 100ms, 1.02s, 400samp etc. Float value treat as millisecond. If not specified - use the whole source array duration
тип: atom
[TAG] if '*' or omitted: spread all grains, if '.': spread finished grains only, otherwise spread grains with corresponding tag
тип: symbol
Запросить/установить array name
тип: symbol
Запросить/установить grain sync mode. If 'none': start grains right after they are finished, if
'int': start grains after specified interval (@tsync).
тип: symbol
варианты: none, int, ext
по умолчанию: none
Запросить/установить grain sync interval
тип: float
единица: ms
минимальное значение: 1
по умолчанию: 50
Запросить/установить grain start probability in internal or external sync mode. ('int' or 'ext')
тип: float
диапазон: 0..1
по умолчанию: 1
Смотрите также: [array.each]
Авторы: Serge Poltavsky
Лицензия: GPL3 or later